The blake and mouton managerial grid questionnaire
The blake and mouton managerial grid questionnaire

the blake and mouton managerial grid questionnaire

The questionnaire consists of 18 statements to which I responded zero to five on a scale of the extent to which the statement applies to me (zero represents never and five represents always). Working toward a future leadership position in my organization and simply being curious about the validity and usefulness of this tool, I completed the Leadership Grid Questionnaire ( ), which is the first step of the process. My college major is Organizational Leadership. The levels are plotted on a nine-point scale on a dual axis grid, and the output illustrates the specific leadership style of the individual. The former describes the leader’s level of concern with achieving organizational objectives, and the latter represents the leader’s level of consideration of team members’ needs who are attempting to achieve the firm’s goals (Pennsylvania, 2014). As mentioned above, the grid focuses on a leader’s concern for production (task-centeredness) and concern for people (person-centeredness). It has been widely used in organizational training and development, and focuses on how leaders can help organizations reach their purposes (Northouse, 2013). Robert Blake and Jane Mouton developed a model of managerial behavior known as the Management Grid in the early 1960s, which has since been renamed the Leadership Grid. The Blake and Mouton Leadership Grid is a great tool for leaders and their individual development it helps to build better leaders and more successful organizations. This tool analyzes an individual’s degree of task-centeredness versus person-centeredness and categorizes the results into five leadership styles. It inspired the development of their Leadership (Managerial) Grid. One of the many studies conducted on the style approach was performed by Blake and Mouton. In addition, this approach applies in various situations, which differs from other leadership theories (Pennsylvania, 2014). Organizations can then promote those demonstrating these behaviors to help them achieve their goals. Armed with this knowledge, hiring and training programs can be created to help employees learn new behaviors. The research on the style approach is important because it identifies the behaviors of successful leaders. The style approach to leadership focuses on the behavior of the leader, specifically what they do and how they act toward subordinates in various situations (Northouse, 2013).

The blake and mouton managerial grid questionnaire